Security Engineer (Ethical Hacker / Penetration Tester)


Fetch.AI is a world-changing project, a “decentralised digital world” where autonomous software agents act on the behalf of their owners, or themselves, to get useful economic work done.

We are a dynamic, fast-growing international team of experts and forward-thinking technology enthusiasts working on the convergence of blockchain, AI and multi-agent systems. We are building technology for both today and tomorrow - a collective super-intelligence on top of decentralized economic internet built with a highly scalable next-generation distributed ledger technology. Combined with machine learning, this delivers the predictions and infrastructure to power the future economy.

The role involves the testing of all security implementations of Fetch.AI’s decentralised smart-ledger technology. Interested candidates will be provided with multiple opportunities to work at the intersection of AI/ML and cryptography/security.

We are working at the cutting edge of cryptography, artificial intelligence, distributed computation and economics, and are therefore looking for people with a desire to create novel solutions for complex problems.


  • Tackle large scale security problems
  • Implement rigorous and thorough security best practices
  • Implement rigorous and thorough monitoring and testing practices to ensure the security of a blockchain infrastructure
  • Defining security model, threats, attacks and mitigations
  • Perform security code reviews
  • Delivery of penetration testing assessments
  • Present findings, risks and conclusions to technical and non-technical audiences

Skills and experience:

  • Demonstrated knowledge of software security
  • In-depth knowledge of applied cryptography
  • Familiarity with security standards and regulations (e.g. NCSC, ISO, SoC, NIST, PCI, GDPR)
  • Experience of network security (e.g. OSI, TCP/IP), web application security (e.g. OWASP) and cryptographic controls (e.g. PKI, TLS)
  • Experience using Linux environment.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Preferred experience:

  • Experience with Ethereum or other blockchain protocols
  • Experience with developing smart contracts and Solidity
  • Knowledge of authentication protocols
  • Working with cryptographic software libraries
  • Experience with cloud services such as AWS, GCP, or Azure.
  • Experience working with distributed teams



We offer very competitive salaries, depending on ability and experience. Come and talk to us!

We offer all the following benefits:


Life Insurance

Private Health Care

25 days holiday (including your birthday plus you can also buy additional holidays)

Joining bonus (Fetch Tokens)

Additional fun benefits:

Summer party

Christmas party

Fun activity days

Free snacks, endless fruit, and hot and cold drinks

Chill out zone

Video games

Work at Fetch.AI

You will work on fascinating and promising new technology together with top class software engineers and researchers working across multiple fields (multi agent systems, machine learning, economics, cryptography).

You will collaborate with top academics and corporate partners across the world to further develop our solutions and deploy them in real life scenarios.

We believe our technology will improve how we communicate, it will give voice and new opportunities to people, organizations and the Internet of Things, effectively democratising the space and improving lives of citizens.

Equal opportunity

Fetch.AI is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We value all people, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation or religion beliefs. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds, and are committed to promoting equality at every opportunity both as a partner, provider of services and as an employer.

Office address

St John's Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
Cambridge CB4 0WS

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