Award-winning digital product design and development based in Cambridge.
We create location-based software for web, mobile and connected devices.
We use our building blocks common to many location-based services to create bespoke, intuitive and disruptive applications.
Sectors we work with include sport, leisure, tourism, public sector, transportation and mobility.
Our approach is to treat every project as if it's our own - "crafted like it's ours". We are passionate about digital products and collaborate with our clients to get the best results.
Eastpoint is a Microsoft Gold Partner for application development, application integration, and cloud. We hold ISO certifications for quality management (ISO 9001) and information security (ISO 27001).
Our work includes the award-winning GLOSA project, a speed advisory app featured on the BBC.
See more of our case studies, including navigation, MaaS, and cooperative intelligent transport systems.