Dr Mario de Miguel Ramos

About Mario

Mario is a telecommunications engineer and researcher turned into executive manager, with a deep technology background, a solid scientific research experience and a keen interest in entrepreneurship and leadership. He is the Project Manager for UKTIN of CW Cambridge Wireless and co-founder and member of the Advisory Board of Sorex Sensors. At CW, Mario is looking after CW’s partnership in the UK Telecoms Innovation Network, the innovation network for the UK telecoms sector that brings together industry, academics, and government to catalyse telecoms R&D investment, cooperation, and commercialisation.

Mario was the CTO and CEO of Sorex Sensors, a spin out from the University of Cambridge developing highly sensitive gas sensors based on Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBARs). He has been working in the field of FBARs since 2011, starting in the Group of Microsystems and Electronic Materials in the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. In 2015 he joined the Electronic Devices and Materials group of the Engineering Department in the University Of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Mario received his MEng in Telecommunications Engineering by UPM in 2012 and his PhD in Electronic Engineering Systems by the same university in January 2016. His dissertation received the highest qualification, Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously. He has published 19 scientific papers and presented more than 30 contributions and invited talks at international conferences.

Mario is also College Research Associate and supervisor of Sidney Sussex College since 2015, co-founder of the alumni association Clavis and was named Nova Talent 111 (first edition - 2021) in the Tech vertical. The Nova 111 list identifies the best talent across 11 key sectors of the spanish economy who have achieved outstanding results and a driving positive impact.

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