View our Diversity & Inclusion Policy
CW recognises the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the technology sector. We are developing a collaborative programme to promote and champion this agenda as a critical business success factor.
We setup an Advisory Panel to help drive a strategic effort to showcase visibility of this increasingly important area. This steering committee is drawn from the CW membership and beyond, if you’d like to learn more about the panel with joining details – please get in touch with one of the CW Team.
With so many companies and membership bodies already adopting successful Diversity & Inclusion policies and best practise, rather than ‘reinvent the wheel’ this programme seeks to promote equality at a community level with tangible action points and next steps. The inaugural Inclusive Innovation Conference took place on 19th September in Cambridge:
With support from the CW Board and passionate Advisory Panel, CW will continue to drive the Diversity and Inclusivity agenda which will include a programme of practical activity and events. The best way to keep up-to-date is to subscribe to the CW Monthly Newsletter.