CWIC: Stream 2, Session 2

Feet on the floor

The Reality of AI

What are the real-world capabilities of AI? Will AI match up to our grandest visions, or is it caught in a cycle of inflated expectations? Are we on the cusp of a revolution, or still grappling with fundamental challenges? This session aims to engage a candid dialogue with leading experts in different industry sectors, through their experience and insights on exploiting and exploring AI, to navigate the intersection of aspiration and reality in the world of AI – where exactly are we with AI?

Speakers from various sectors will:

  • Explore the advancements, promises and challenges of AI
  • Demystify the hype
  • Provide a clearer understanding of AI’s impact on different sectors

Analysys-MasonSilver Session Sponsor: Analysys Mason
Global leaders in TMT management consulting

Analysys Mason is the world's leading management consultancy focused on TMT, a critical enabler of economic, environmental and social transformation.

We bring together unparalleled commercial and technical understanding to deliver bespoke consultancy on strategy, transaction support, transformation, regulation and policy, further strengthened by globally respected research.

Our clients value our advice which combines deep domain knowledge with global reach and local insight into markets to help them achieve meaningful business results.

We are committed to our clients, employees and communities – contributing to a world where technology delivers for all.

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