Simon Mead, CEO of CW, announces retirement

Published by Cambridge Wireless

On 11 January 2022, CW CEO Simon Mead announced his retirement. Below is a copy of the joint message sent to the CW Membership from Simon and Raj Gawera, Chair of the CW Board.

Message from Simon Mead, CEO of CW:

Dear CW Members,

I would like to let you know that  I will be retiring from my role as CEO of Cambridge Wireless. I’m working with Raj and the Board on supporting a suitable transition plan. 

It has been a wonderful three and a half years full of great experiences, learnings and new friends made.  My wife and I have made the decision to retire and to spend more time with our children and each other and to get out and pursue a few more of our life goals! 

I would like to thank the CW Members and Board for all of your support, guidance and help during my time here.  Most of all though I would like to thank the CW Team – the most amazing and dedicated group of people that I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

Thank you all,


Message from Raj Gawera, Chair of CW’s Board:

Dear CW Members,

Firstly, on behalf of the board and the membership,  I’d like to thank Simon for his contribution over the past few years. He has helped give CW more commercial focus and significantly improved the financial standing of the organisation. I’ve really enjoyed working closely with Simon and I know he will be missed.

Simon’s announcement now triggers the search for a new CEO. Within the board, I’ve formed a Hiring Committee and we’ve already started listing out potential candidates. We’d also like to widen the net to include any potential candidates that are already within the CW community. I’m a great believer in ‘promotion from within’, so I really want to reach out to any aspiring candidates who are already familiar with CW and looking for their next opportunity. In terms of profile, we are looking for a charismatic individual who is a strong communicator and natural networker.

Strength of personality and Emotional Intelligence are just as important as explicit experience. So if any of the membership would like to find out more, or to refer a contact who they think would be suitable, please do drop me a note at in total confidence.


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