New professional development programme launched as part of CW Membership package

CW News published by Cambridge Wireless

Today CW is pleased to announce a new programme that delivers a major increase to the value that companies can enjoy from their membership of CW.

CW Talent is an intensive professional development programme that has the ability to significantly boost the impact that individuals have on the successful growth of their businesses.

The key to this new programme is the formation of small, closed, trusted groups of peers who are at a similar point in their career and, through a series of masterclasses led by Adelina Chalmers, as well as various "offline" learning tools, help each other to grow the knowledge, confidence and capabilities of participants in their various roles.  Peers are guided to share challenges, experiences and solutions in the masterclasses, to offer support and advice in between masterclasses, and to help each other develop new techniques for being successful at work. Each course is strictly limited to six people to ensure that each participant receives as tailored an experience as possible.

We are launching with two pilot courses: one for individuals who have been recently promoted, and one for HR Managers and Executives. Access to these courses is completely free for CW Members (£1,800+VAT for non-members).  Further courses are planned for the future and CW will operate a waiting list to manage demand.

The masterclasses will be flexible and responsive, and Adelina will work with participants to adjust the content to suit the exact challenges that individuals are facing. But, as an example of what you can expect, the challenge areas proposed for the recently promoted include:

  • Gaining the trust of a team that has been with the former manager for years and used to a very different way of working.
  • Creating rapport with a remote team whom you have only met via video conferencing and phone calls.
  • Managing your former peers (especially given that some of them might have applied for the job you got).
  • Leading when members of your team have deeper specific knowledge than you.
  • Discussing poor performance with someone if you have a strained relationship with them.
  • Talking to your new peers (other managers/executives) and show that you belong when you doubt what you are doing or wonder whether you are performing as well as the previous manager/executive.

Check out the CW Talent webpages for more information on the programme. If you’re a non-member considering attending, purchasing CW Membership (starting at £165 per company per annum) could easily be more cost-effective than purchasing a full priced ticket – as well as delivering more benefits to you and your colleagues. Please contact the Membership Team to find out more.

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