The CW Journal evolves – expertise and insight straight to your inbox

CW News published by Cambridge Wireless

Driving collaboration and innovation through authoritative academic articles – the Journal is now online, full of technology, engineering and innovation insight.


With digital transformation on everyone’s minds, we wanted to share the news that the CW Journal is moving online, relaunching with a splash this month – including four brand new articles.  

Following nine print issues, and many dozens of high-quality articles, we are now sharing our popular CW Journal with a wider, online audience.  

CWJ flickread print Journal

Since 2017, the Journal has evolved into a unique publication, packed with industry insight, shared technical expertise from acknowledged experts in their fields and high-quality analyses of topical issues from key sector changemakers.

CW Journal on screen_mediumGo online now to find brand new articles, including: 

To feed your nostalgia, or if you just want to see how fast things change, the online Journal archive carries previously published articles from all the print editions. 

A new platform, a wider audience – the same quality 

Simon Mead, CEO of Cambridge Wireless, is pleased to share the relaunched Journal with a wider audience: 

CW Journal screenshot landing page

“Our members have always given us great feedback about the Journal – be it the quality of authors, the range of topics or the opportunity to have a platform to share their views and experience.  

“By hosting online, I’m pleased to say brand new CW Journal content will be available for members and non-members, to share their experiences and pick up insights from the thousands of technology experts we collaborate with, ranging from major network operators and device manufacturers, to innovative start-ups and universities.” 

The printed Journal’s high quality will continue, with a project team led by Adam Driver and an editorial board led by Professor John Haine of Bristol University, supported by Eleanor Brash (Head of Marketing at CW), Simon Rockman (who edits the UK5G Innovation Briefing), business columnist Andrew Orlowski, and UK5G head Bob Driver (no relation to Adam!).

“As has always been the case, the Journal will continue to publish top-level technical and engineering articles,” continues Simon, ”And this new evolution enables us and potential authors to have a reactive approach to breaking news and up-to-the minute stories in our worlds. 

“This will continue to give us, and anyone who wishes to write for the Journal, greater timeliness and flexibility than an academic journal, but more rigour than is generally found in regular journalistic publications.” 

Previous authors and contributors to the CW Journal are reacting positively to the news that the publication is back, and feel the digital opportunities are there for the taking. 

“We’ve had some great conversations with academics, engineers and experts across various disciplines,” says head of the editorial board John Haine.

If you are interested in writing for the Journal, please contact the Editorial Board here:


Of course, being online means that you, our readers, can digest and engage with the content more easily, and we will make it simpler for you to do so. Furthermore, if there are topics you feel are of burning interest, tell us – or even better write for us! You generate the text, the editorial team can take it from there.

“I'll continue to take an overview of the articles and policy, and look forward to seeing how the new Journal is received by CW members and further afield, as well as growing the number of authors and editorial board members in due course.”

Join the conversation

“In the nicest way possible, we want to see more vigorous debates and healthy disagreements about topics and projects featured in the Journal,” continues Simon. 

“As we said in the first in-print edition, ‘it will always be the Journal’s aim to start conversations rather than finish them’.” 

Sparking discussions, sharing best practice and providing practical technical solutions and advice, check out the new-look CW Journal and join the conversation.




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