02 Jun 2021

As CW TEC 2021 early bird ends, check out the event’s great agenda

The CW Technology & Engineering Conference 2021: Engineering 5G Private Networks ends early bird on Monday 7 June. With a speaker line-up of engineering heavyweights, why wouldn’t you register now?

Further details and registration – free for members while early bird lasts 

The conference is an online experience split over four tracks and two days. Delegates will experience detailed technical talks on the way in which 5G Private Networks are set to be built, focusing on important topics such as spectrum, 5G NR, network architecture and Open RAN.

The talks are supported by an immersive virtual networking platform (using the Remo software) where delegates can meet to discuss the intricacies of 5G Private Networks to their heart’s content.

Day one (Wednesday 7 July) starts with a session on 5G spectrum, 5G enterprise planning and the various connectivity strategies that companies can adopt. Chaired by Iris Barcia (Keima), a highlight will be the talk from Steve Evans (Nokia Enterprise CTO for UK and Ireland) on 5G enterprise spectrum and its ecosystem, including examples of countries that have gone down the enterprise path.

This is shortly followed by a track on Open RAN and network architecture, sponsored by Mavenir. Featuring Mavenir, BT and Analysys Mason, the speakers will provide an overview of the different RAN technologies out there alongside the business drivers and challenges for adopting a new Open RAN architecture. We’re particularly looking forward to Roberto Kompany’s talk on the economic and architectural challenges of implementing Open RAN.

Day two features a session on securing 5G private networks with speakers from Pelion, QinetiQ and Colt Technology Services sharing their views on how security considerations impact the private network architecture and which solutions best fit with which use cases.

The conference will be wrapped up by speakers from Cambridge Consultants and the University of Bristol presenting a wide range of real-life use cases and discussing the challenges that they have encountered in the early deployment of 5G private networks.

Tickets for the CW Technology and Engineering Conference are free for members while early bird lasts and £25 for non-members. Prices will increase to £25 for members and £75 for non-members after Monday 7 June. The day is supported by UK5G.